View of the southern slope with Step Trench B

Pottery from the Late Halaf period

The Ubaid production area with the pottery kiln

Stone and clay tools from the Ubaid pottery workshop area

Painted fragment from a jar with a stylized goat that inspired MAIPE’s logo

Obsidian bladelets from a Late Chalcolithic 1 workshop

Obsidian bladelets from a Late Chalcolithic 1 workshop

Faunal remains relating to pigs, bovines and goats from Step Trench B

Kernels of Hordeum vulgare from the Late Chalcolithic 2 silos

General view of the Halaf and Ubaid structures in Area C

Detail of circular dwellings (tholoi) of the Halaf period 

Late Halaf pottery

Detail of the rooms in the Ubaid building 

The typical “clay bullets” found in situ close to installations of the Ubaid period

Tripartite building late Chalcolithic 2/3

Detail of some of the rooms in the tripartite building

General view of the tripartite building of the late chalcolithic 

Cretulae with stamped seal impressions, originally utilized for the sealing of baskets and sacks

Cretula with stamped seal impression depicting two quadrupeds in a specular position

General view of the Late Bronze Age building

Cylindrical and globular beakers dating to the Late Bronze Age 

The typical “piecrust pot stands” 

Child burial in Area A

Female burial in Area A

Burials with grave goods from Area A at the moment of their discovery 

Reconstruction of the necklace from the female burial

The Islamic period occupation (Helawa VII)

The most recent phase found at Helawa corresponds to the digging of large circular pits from the early Islamic period (7th century AD). These pits, which often contain ash fillings, sometimes also contained complete specimens of globular pots with handles and ovoid amphorae with a narrow neck and double handles, decorated with wavy and horizontal incisions. The amphorae, lined with a layer of bitumen on the inside, were used for the transportation and preservation of food liquids, wine in particular. 

Image Amphora internally coated with bitumen  

Detail of the three round ovens in the southern sector of the building.

Dettaglio dei tre forni circolari nel settore meridionale dell’edificio

Typical pottery from the mid-2nd millennium BC

Objects found in the Late Chalcolithic 3 abandonment layers