Essential bibliography about Kültepe/Kanesh

Atici, L.-  Kulakoğlu, F. – Barjamovic, G. – Fairbairn, A. (eds) 2014: Current Research at Kültepe-Kanesh. An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Approach to Trade Networks, Internationalism, and Identity, JCS Suppl. Series 4, Atlanta.

Barjamovic, G. 2011: A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period, København.

Dercksen, G.D. 1996: The Old Assyrian Copper Trade in Anatolia, Istanbul.

Dercksen, J.G. (ed.) 2008: Anatolia and the Jazira during the Old Assyrian Period, Old Assyrian Archives Studies 3 (= PIHANS 111), Leiden.

Emre, K. 1971: Anatolian Lead Figurines and Their Stone Moulds, Ankara.

Emre, K. – Hrouda, B. – Mellink, M. – Özgüç, N. (eds) 1989: Anatolia and the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç, Ankara.

Kulakoğlu, F. – Barjamovic, G. (eds) 2017: Movement, Resources, Interaction. Proceedings of the 2nd Kültepe International Meeting, Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015, Subartu 39, Turnhout.

Kulakoğlu, F. – Kangal, S. (eds) 2011: Anatolia’s Prologue. Kültepe Kanesh Karum, Assyrians in Istanbul, Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul.

Kulakoğlu, F. – Michel C. (eds) 2015: Proceedings of the 1st Kültepe International Meeting, Kültepe, 19-23 September, 2013, Subartu 35, Turnhout.

Kulakoğlu, F. – Michel, C. – Öztürk, G. (eds) 2020: Integrative Approaches to the Archaeology and History of Kültepe-Kaneš. Kültepe, 4-7 August 2017, Subartu 55, Turnhout.

Larsen, M.T. 1967: Old Assyrian Caravan Procedures, Istanbul.

Larsen, M.T. 2015: Ancient Kanesh. A Merchant Colony in Bronze Age Anatolia, Cambridge.

Michel, C. 2001: Correspondance des marchands de Kaniš au début du IIe millénaire avant J.-C., Paris.

Michel, C. 2003: Old Assyrian Bibliography of Cuneiform Texts, Bullae, Seals and the Results of the Excavations at Aššur, Kültepe/Kaniš, Acemhöyük, Alişar and Boğazköy, PIHANS 97, Leiden.

Özgüç, N. 1965: The Anatolian Group of Cylinder Impressions from Kültepe, TTKY V/22, Ankara.

Özgüç, N. 1968: Seal and Seal Impressions of Level Ib from Karum Kanish, TTKY V/25, Ankara.

Özgüç, T. 1959: Kültepe-Kaniš. New Researches at the Center of the Assyrian Trade Colony, TTKY V/19, Ankara.

Özgüç, T. 1986: Kültepe-Kaniš II. New Researches at the Trading Center of the Ancient Near East, TTKY V/41, Ankara.

Özgüç, T. 1999: The Palaces and Temples of Kültepe-Kaniš/Neša, TTKY V/46, Ankara.

Özgüç, T. 2003: Kültepe, Kaniš/Neša. The Earliest International Center and the Oldest Capital of the Hittites, Tokyo.

Teissier, B. 1994: Sealing and Seals on Texts from Kültepe kārum Level 2, PIHANS 70, Leiden-Istanbul.

Veenhof, K.R. 1972: Aspects of Old Assyrian Trade and its Terminology, Leiden.

PAIK publications

Kulakoğlu, F. – Peyronel, L. 2022: L’organizzazione dello spazio pubblico e privato a Kültepe tra Bronzo Medio ed Età del Ferro. Nuovi dati dal settore meridionale dell’insediamento. In: Lo spazio pubblico, lo spazio privato. XI Convegno contributo delle missioni archeologiche italiane a scavi, ricerche e studi in Turchia. / Kamusal alan, özel alan. XI Türkiye’deki arkeolojik çalışmalara eğitim, araştırma ve kazı’da İtalya katkısı sempozyumu, pp. 31-44.

Peyronel L. – Vacca, A. 2021: When Different Worlds Meet: Exchange Networks in Anatolia and the Northern Levant during the Third Millennium BC. In: Fikri Kulakoğlu, Guido Kryszat, Cécile Michel (edd), Cultural Exchange and Current Research in Kültepe and its Surroundings. KIM 4, Kültepe, 1–4 August 2019, Subartu 46, pp. 23-50.

 Peyronel, L. 2017: From Ebla to Kanesh and Vice Versa. Reflections on Commercial Interactions and Exchanges between Northern Syria and Anatolia during the Middle Bronze Age. In: Fikri Kulakoğlu, Gojko Barjamovic (edd), Movement, resources, interaction: Proceedings of the 2nd Kültepe International Meeting. Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015. Studies Dedicated to Klaas Veenhof, Subartu 39, pp. 197-215.